Remove Blocks ~ Feel Your Energy ~ Release Pain ~ Detoxify Your Soul
Reiki is the Japanese art of hands on healing. Reiki healing is a technique where the Reiki practitioner activates the healing process and re-establishes balance and harmony through the body, mind and spirit.
Reiki enhances natural healing, decreases anxiety, tension and muscle strain. Reiki aids in relieving grief, loneliness and depression. Promotes healing from injuries and surgeries, it also diminishes side effects of chemo and radiation. It improves sleep, overall well being and helps reduce pain, emotional and physical.
Clients leave feeling lighter, relaxed and have a sense of being grounded. It is recommended to drink lots of water after your treatment and try to avoid strenuous activity.
At least 3 Reiki sessions are recommended for real breakthrough healing.
Distance reiki also known as “absent treatment” provides individuals with Reiki treatments without having to meet in person. A Reiki practitioner can perform your Reiki treatment remotely using your contact information and a photo. I know this may sound a little skeptical, I thought so too but after receiving and administering distance reiki, I was an instant believer. Distance Reiki sessions are just as powerful and for some more so then in person. A time is established for the session and you get so stay in the comfort of your own home. Lisa utilizes a pendulum and spiritual team to move through your chakra system, assessing physical/emotional/spiritual blockages.
Lisa uses channeling to relay messages regarding these blockages, and clears them through reiki healing. You can expect to feel lighter, empowered by self-awareness and acceptance, more free and open to brand new possibilities after these sessions. As a bonus, Lisa will call you when your session is over and send you hand written notes of your session. Lisa also incorporates oracle card readings for added clarity.
I believe everyone could benefit from learning Reiki One. Reiki has changed my life for the better. Reiki is PURE LOVE!
Reiki has taught me the art of self healing and self love which amplifies the bodies natural ability to heal itself. It’s also a natural pain reliever. Reiki allows us to have greater sense of clarity, creativity and experience our own joy. As you begin to acknowledge and feel the energy in the body, you’ll discover feelings and emotions generated in certain areas- these are called Chakras.
Chakras are fascinating as they are scientifically proven to help us use energy at a cellular level. We will touch base on these gems during Reiki One training. Reiki also releases anxiety and tension throughout the body, mind and spirit creating a sense of being grounded and balanced in who we are, which enhances an inner peace and calm. I think the question should be, why wouldn’t you choose to dive into a Reiki One training?
• The 5 Principles of Reiki
• The 7 main chakras
• How to treat yourself and others
• Hand placements for self-treatment
• Hand placements for treating others
• How to work with friends, family, and clients
• How to protect yourself energetically
Upon completion of the course you will receive a Reiki Level One Certificate in the Usui System of Natural Healing.
Reiki One training is taught in a small group. | Cost $250
1:1 Training available upon request. $400
Contact Lisa for future training dates.
• The Reiki Symbols
• Sending distance Reiki
• Drawing and activating symbols
• Chakra awareness
• Energy and attunements
• Preparing for a client
• Recommended reading and references
Prerequisite: Reiki Level One Certification. Upon completion of the course you will receive a Reiki Level Two Certificate in the Usui System of Natural Healing.
Reiki Two training is taught in a small group. | Cost $350
1:1 Training available upon request./ Cost $500
Contact Lisa for future training dates.